Set Up Your Membership Offering

Membership Setup Wizard

If you don't have a membership setup, you'll go through our simple wizard to initially setup your membership. Don't worry, any options setup in this wizard can always be changed later. 

There's really only 2 things you need to setup your membership:

Membership Pricing

There are 3 pricing options you can offer your members: Monthly, Yearly, and One-Time. 

The Monthly option lets members subscribe with standard monthly recurring payments. This option encourages members who do not like long membership commitments. 

The Yearly option lets members subscribe with yearly recurring payments. This option typically involves a discount to the monthly option. So, consider making it a bit cheaper than 12 months of your monthly rate. 

The One-Time option lets you give a "lifetime" membership based on a flat rate. There is no recurring payment with this option, so consider making this option more expensive than your Yearly option. 

Membership Description

You'll want to describe what's included with your membership here. Things you might want to include are details about the premium content offered to members only. This would include what's in your premium content, the frequency of posts, any other "perks" included with your membership. 

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Membership Pricing