Add a Perk

Selling perks on your fan page is extremely easy. To add a perk, simply...

  • Login to your Fanlist dashboard
  • Click "perks" on the main menu
  • Click the "add a perk" button
  • Select a template to get started
    • Template are just starting points for inspiration.
    • You can edit any field of the template to make it totally your own.

Once you select a template, a perk is really comprised of a few fields...

Perk Title

Briefly tell fans what this perk is. 

Description of Perk

Here, you can go in-depth about the details of your perk, why they should buy it, and what they'll get after purchase. 


Set the price for your perk. You can edit this price anytime. Editing this price will only affect new buyers going forward. 

Perk Image

Upload an image to represent your perk. We recommend an image 1000px by 500px (or any image with a 2:1 ratio)

Purchase Details

These are the details the buyer will access AFTER they purchase a perk. So, if your perk grants access to something private (ebook, scheduling link, hidden URL, etc), this is where you'll describe what the buyer receives and any instructions on how to access it. 

This field supports rich text, like hyperlinks, line breaks, bulleted lists, ordered lists, bold, italics, etc. 

Claim Perk Button

If you want to include a special link for the buyer to claim a perk, you have the option to add a button with a custom label and link. This helps make it obvious to the buyer how to claim your perk. For example, you can add a button like "download your ebook" with a link to the PDF. When they buyer buys your perk, they'll see the purchase details with the "download your ebook" button.

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Deleting a Perk